Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Collected in 3 Books from many Sources by Brother Francesco Maria Guazzo of the Order of S. Ambrose Ad Nemus, (title continues): “showing the iniquitous and execrable operations of witches against the human race, and the divine remedies by which they may be frustrated”. 4to, 1929. London. Copy No. 1128 limited of 1275 copies. First edition in English. Pp xxi [1] 206 with 40 plus quaint woodcuts. Quarter black parchment, red cloth bds, gilt. The edition, illustrated with above 40 curious woodcuts some of extreme beauty. The first English translation of this excessively rare book.’ There have been only two previous editions of this work, both in Latin, in 1608 and 1626. Nice copy, clean and crisp and with no inscriptions.
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